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bringing   Hope

Changing Perceptions of Lung Cancer


Elusen gofrestredig a sefydlwyd gan gleifion, eu teuluoedd a'u ffrindiau.


ALK Mae canser positif yr ysgyfaint yn fath gymharol brin o ganser yr ysgyfaint a achosir gan aildrefnu annormal y genyn lymffoma kinase anaplastig.  Mae'r  mae mwyafrif helaeth y cleifion yn rhai nad ydyn nhw'n ysmygu,  mae eu hanner o dan 50 oed, mae rhai yn llawer iau, a'r mwyafrif yn fenywod.  Fe'i sefydlwyd yn 2018, ein dibenion yw:

ALK Lungs.png
Ein Gweledigaeth

Rydym am i bawb yn y DU sy’n cael diagnosis o ganser yr ysgyfaint ALK-positif:
I dderbyn y gofal gorau posib
I fyw eu bywydau gorau posib
I fyw cyhyd ag y bo modd

Our Mission


   ALK Positive Lung Cancer (UK) exists to


  • Support the ALK+ lung cancer patient community.

  • Empower people affected by ALK-positive lung cancer.

  • Advocate for improvements in the diagnosis, treatment and care of ALK-positive lung cancer across the UK.

  • Represent the voice of the ALK-positive lung cancer community.

UK's only ALK-positive lung cancer charity that


We provide a forum where patients and their families can exchange information about their diagnosis and treatment, and where they can give and receive mutual support.​​


We are a source of information for patients so that they are better informed about their condition and, as informed patients, they are empowered to ensure that their health care providers employ best practice.


We advocate on behalf of  patients to ensure that they receive a high level of care wherever they live in the UK and to promote improved patient outcomes. We campaign for early diagnosis so that more patients can be cured.

Rydym yn cael ein cydnabod gan NICE (Sefydliad Cenedlaethol dros Ragoriaeth mewn Iechyd a Gofal) fel sefydliad yr ymgynghorir ag ef ar driniaethau ALK-positif newydd. Rydym yn gweithio ar y cyd â sefydliadau perthnasol eraill ac wedi ymgymryd â nifer o brosiectau ar y cyd. Rydym yn mynychu cynadleddau oncolegwyr a nyrsys canser yr ysgyfaint lle rydym yn hyrwyddo'r gwasanaethau y gallwn eu cynnig i'w cleifion. 

Our Values


  • We are welcoming in our approach and put the needs and interests of patients with ALK-positive lung cancer and their families first, treating them with the respect and empathy that they deserve.

  • We are passionate about our work – our passion is driven by a deep personal connection to ALK-positive lung cancer which means we are highly committed and determined.

  • We always act with professionalism and integrity and our activities are based on the best available evidence.




The benefits of joining a support group

Os ydych chi'n byw yn y DU â chanser yr ysgyfaint ALK positif, neu os yw aelod o'r teulu neu ffrind agos, dewch i ymuno â ni trwy lenwi'ch manylion isod a byddwn mewn cysylltiad
neu ffoniwch 07783 134437

Diolch am gyflwyno!

If you are a patient, family or friend and would like to join our Support Group, please click

This is a private Facebook support group of over 600 members in the UK and where you will be able to receive support from fellow patients, receive answers to your questions and exchange experiences.

Pwy ydyn ni a beth yw ein nodau

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Darganfyddwch fwy am ganser yr ysgyfaint ALK +

Fundraiser Skydive.jpg

Dogfennau, gwybodaeth a dolenni defnyddiol

Dysgu mwy am ganser yr ysgyfaint ALK + yn y byd meddygol

Prynu a  llogi nwyddau ALK Positive UK


Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer.

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